Congreso de los diputados

75 X 120 cm.

True? It's something wonderful, I feel its greatness and in the first impression takes me to the majestic.
Whenever I've stopped to look at it, I think: It's the
Olympus, the abode of the gods !. Eternal glory to them,
It seems to remind us every moment.
We can reach him, enter into his depths.
It could be a dream, the vision that the hero needs to find the talisman.
Everything is written.
Its immense columns unite the near and eternal, they have not could stop the devastating effect of time, they do not exist capitals, annihilating ends. Everything breaks in his interior, dazzling facade closed to external reality for a dominator.
The deputized cancer-lions have lost power over the jungle, disguised as fun and party.
As an expression of everything contained, it materializes in a bloody river that gets visible.
Before us, the bird of prey, the imperial eagle that has left to fly to put their claws fulfilling their destiny.
Go to the carrion.

MONCHOLC, until today. P. 10
                Dr. Abad.  

