Entrada de España

1986  -  1989
50 X 43 cm.

Talking with you is natural.
I am attracted by the greatness you have and your simple beauty.
You know that the depth surrounds me, like something unknown to us flames and curious do not hesitate to start the journey.
My favorite flock, obedient sheep, that a shepherd without effort, as trained, leads on the way to the unknown.
This is no longer the daily walk, it is a hard asphalt and without the fresh food, there is a vent in the middle and the dim light attracts them.
Maybe in the background the grass is better.
Friends that do not hesitate to insist on a stony path, worried about maintaining what you have always been. Already you have known the principle and you refuse to be marked.
Risky decision in two directions.
We will go to History.

MONCHOLC, until today. P. 94.
                      Dr. Abad

