Patio de lindaraja


1999 - 2002
52 X 80 cm.



A path brings us back to the past.
The need for rest, refuge in silence only altered by nature. We sit down to enjoy everyone and everyone the senses. They are the same bricks that saw the centuries of changes in this patio. That speak of who raised them and of the plants that covered them, the days of wind and water, cold and snow. I hear the drip of water and I smell orange blossom and boxwood at my step hand for its thickness. The birds, sparrows today and who  knows once, they encourage us in curious talk in the shade of these glasses leafy
In this quiet place, full of light, color and water, leaf, fixing our eyes we merged in the backwater of the fountain to a time of our history. Maybe Irving is waiting to tell us more things.

         Dr. Abad.              

