Before the world. They are the social events which MONCHOLC paints. He translates the storms of Man's existence, into painting. That expression of reality which is accentuated by a contribution of symbols. The real critical analysis of our Society. This artist's painting finds its roots in his own social surroundings . The soul of the human being is being peppered by his social conditionings. He is exorcized by paintings which shout his words of truth loudly. His art travels among what is prohibited, what is tolerated and the expressions of his rebellion. It does not shock us, it is limited to teaching. His work is not only that staging of social tyranny, for it unmasks the torments of an alienated thought. The characters exhibited thusly before the world have the mute constancy of his concerns. His faces are petrified in a mask of seriouness. More than an attitude of painful mutism, it is the generating look of the reality of the situations which MONCHOLC paints. His pictorial universe was erected in witness of a reality which is not always pleasant to reveal. Louis-Gilles Balaka.